1-Hour Job Hazard Analysis

SST Specialized Elective Course

Course Description


Job Hazard Analysis

Learn about the benefits of a job hazard analysis (JHA) and how to perform one to identify and control potential hazards in the workplace. Find out how to conduct a JHA, also known as a job safety analysis, and apply your findings to minimize the risks associated with various job tasks.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the purpose of a job hazard analysis

  • How to conduct a job hazard analysis

  • Why it's important to involve others in the JHA process

  • Safety precautions to take during a job hazard analysis

  • How to complete a job hazard analysis form

NYC DOB SST Requirement

Local Law 196: The Site Safety Plan course is a New York City Department of Buildings approved Site Safety Training (SST) Course (Also known as OSHA site safety plan). Supervisors will need to complete this course in order to receive their supervisor SST Card.

More Information

For more information on this training course, contact us using the email or phone number below:

(631) 454-6530