Ladders and Stairways
Construction Safety
Course Description
Ladders and Stairways
The 1-Hour Stairways and Ladders course educates workers about various types of ladders and stairways found on construction worksites. You’ll review important regulatory guidelines for stairs and ladders and learn how to recognize and avoid the most common hazards associated with their use.
Learning Outcomes
Describe regulations governing the components of a stairway system
List common ladder types and the safety guidelines that apply to them
Explain appropriate methods for inspecting, using and maintaining ladders
Identify common hazards associated with ladders and stairways
OSHA Requirement
Our trainers are authorized by OSHA to conduct this training and students receive DOL issued student course completion cards. The OSHA Outreach Training Program is not a certification program. Outreach Training Program trainers, students, and curriculum are not certified. OSHA never approves trainers or classes.
More Information
For more information on this training course, contact us using the email or phone number below: